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The Know Rare Prader-Willi Syndrome Clinical Trial Pages

Updated: Nov 22, 2021

Know Rare, a community-focused digital health platform dedicated to improving access to rare disease clinical trials, has successfully enrolled in the "Our Lives Matter" DEI unLearning program and the "Our Lives Matter" DEI certification program.

KnowRare's PWS Clinical Trial Pages have received OLM DEI Certification. became eligible to enroll its digital health platform into the "Our Lives Matter" DEI certification program, upon answering the "Our Lives Matter" call-to-action with sincerity, open hearts and self-reflective minds.

Of the 525 companies/organizations that were put to the sincerity test, the Know Rare team is the only advocacy-focused digital health company to qualify for “Our Lives Matter” DEI certification to date. The “Our Lives Matter” DEI Initiative is excited to continue working with the Know Rare team, as each member of its executive team has shown a sincere desire to take meaningful steps towards authentically implementing real-world DEI solutions.

As continues to undergo the OLM DEI certification process, Know Rare’s commitment to equitable and inclusive practices has resulted in the successful certification of the pages that list clinical studies for Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS). Through the OLM DEI Initiative's effort to ensure that the voices of the people are always heard, never filtered by institutional agendas and protected by agents of the community, the community has the option to submit a DEI Public Report to communicate any concerns, issues, inappropriate and/or offensive content that may be found on Know Rare’s PWS Clinical Study Pages at any time for review and consideration by the expert team of community-based OLM DEI professionals.



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